2023-02-24 16:58:09 浏览数:0
職 稱:副教授 |
學院系所:尊龙凯时(中国),動物與發育生物學系 |
學科領域:動物營養與免疫生理學 |
聯系電話:13376422619 |
電子郵件:liuzongzhu@126.com |
通訊地址:山東省青島市城陽區長城路700號 青島農業大學尊龙凯时(中国)/生物樓B317 |
個人簡介: |
劉宗柱,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。 |
教學情況: |
兼任校級本科教学督导员。先后主编《动物生理学》(第1版、第2版)、《动物生理学实验教程》、《动物生理学实验》(附数字化课程)等统编教材。先后主持动物生理学校級一流课程、省级一流课程的建设工作。 |
科研方向: |
科研項目: |
國家重點研發計劃項目子項目“肉雞細菌、寄生蟲、營養及管理的死淘原因調查與防控” |
發明專利: |
1)一種防治家禽球蟲病與壞死性腸炎混合感染的中藥組合物,CN201210394002 2)一种用于家禽清营凉血的中药组合物, CN201210066060 3)一种dsRNA与柴胡皂甙的药物组合及其应用, CN200910.177090 4)一种防治肉鸭脾坏死综合征的中药组方, CN200910177093 5)纳米级维生素微乳液的制备方法, CN200910018211 |
代表性論文: |
1.Characterization and genome analysi s of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage vB_PaeP_Lx18 and the antibacterial activity of its lysozyme. Archives of Virology, 2022-06-18. 2.免疫系統的“禦敵”與“維穩”.《生物學教學》2018-02 3. Chilling and gibberellin acids hyperinduce β-1,3-glucanases to reopen transport corridor and break endodormancy in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021,167: 771-784(通訊作者) 4. Changes of DNA Methylation Patterns Reveal Epigenetic Modification of Dormancy Release-Related Genes Is Induced by Chilling in Tree Peony. DNA and Cell Biology, 2021,40(4) : 606-617 (通訊作者) 5. Metabolomics analysis reveals Embden Meyerhof Parnas pathway activation and flavonoids accumulation during dormancy transition in tree peony. BMC Plant Biology (2020) 20:484 (通訊作者) 6. Application of 5-azaC induces DNA hypomethylation and accelerates dormancy release in buds of tree peony. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 147: 91-100 (通訊作者) 7. Morphological, anatomical and DNA methylation changes of tree peony buds during chilling induced dormancy release. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 144: 64-72 (通訊作者) 8. Dynamic of carbohydrate metabolism and the related genes highlights PPP pathway activation during chilling induced bud dormancy release in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Scientia Horticutruae, 2018, 242: 36-43 (通訊作者) 9. Identification and characterization of microRNAs in Paoenia suffruticosa during chilling induced dormancy release by high-throughput sequencing. Scientific report, 2018, 8:4537(通訊作者) 10. MYC cis-Elements in PsMPT Promoter Is Involved in Chilling Response of Paeonia suffruticosa. Plos one, 2016, 11(5): e0155780 (通訊作者) |
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